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Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
live is a long road to be traveled and running seems a good choice .

domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013

Week ahead the marathon .

Here is my today´s training , weather here in my home town Barcelona was really good and I take advantage of this giving my body freedom to take to whenever it wants . 

Barcelona was wonderful this morning looked like it was waiting for the people coming for the marathon  , believe , this is nice , very good place to run .

here is this morning track . See you next sunday  , in Barcelona Marathon .


Aquí està el meu entrenament d'avui, el clima aquí a la meva ciutat natal, Barcelona ha estat  molt bo  i ho  he aprofitat    donant al meu cos llibertat . es fantastic sentir-se bé i em forces per anar on el cos demani .

Barcelona estava  meravellossa  aquest matí semblava que estava esperant a la gent que ve per la marató, creieume , això està molt bé, molt bon lloc per córrer.

aquí està deixo el recorregut de aquest  matí. Ens veiem diumenge, a la Marató de Barcelona.

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