I feel very happy, yesterday I took a friend to the finish line of the Zurich Barcelona Marathon , this was his first marathon and he wasn´t so convinced to be able finish the race , I drop my race pace to a confortable one for him and we ran together the whole marathon , as a summary I would say, it was good bring my experience to bear with him an happy to cross the finish line together , see the face of this man really happy and satisfied for the good job done , today no pain , nor injuries, neither exhaustion just happiness , happy for both my friend and me and now I will start to train for the next target ,Amsterdam Marathon , my outside race this year .
Em sento molt feliç, ahir vaig portar un amic a la línia de meta de la Marató de Barcelona, aquest era el seu primer marató i no estava convençut de ser capaç d'acabar la carrera, vaig baixar el meu ritme de carrera a un còmode per a ell i vam córrer junts la marató completa, com a resum jo diria que va ser bo aportar la meva experiència per ajudar al meu company a creuar la línia de meta junts, veure la cara d'aquest home realment feliç i satisfet per la feina ben feta es molt reconfortant, avui no hi ha dolor, ni lesions, ni cansament , feliç per als dos i ara vaig a començar a entrenar per al proper objectiu, Amsterdam Marathon, la meva carrera fora d'aquest any.
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