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Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
live is a long road to be traveled and running seems a good choice .

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

Endimoniada 2015 is on !!!!! .


Happy to hear about the Endimoniada , as many of your really  know this is   one of my hilly favourite races  . Organizers launched yesterday on the net the new page and date , June the 13 th  saturday as usual will take place the fifth edition of this great race , further on I will update about .

last year pics

Salvador and I before the race

Laura and I trying to reach "coscollada del amigo " top of the race

descent , funiest part of the race

Downwards , towards to one of my favourites parts of the race


content de saber de l´ Endimoniada , com molts de vosaltres sabeu una de les mevas curses predilectes per no dir la mes entrenyable . Els organitzadors van fer saber ahir a través del face que la nova pagina es en marxa  i la cursa també , el disabte 13 de juny com sempre tindra lloc la sortida de aquesta gran cursa de muntanya, enguany la cinquena edició de la cursa , anire actualitzan l´informació .

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