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Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
live is a long road to be traveled and running seems a good choice .

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Marathon is more than run.

have a look into the  picture that was  took in the finish close up of the Zurich Barcelona Marathon 2013 which was held last sunday  , two men helping other one,  look like injured,   to cross the finish line , that´s the essence ,  spirit of the marathon ,  friendship  fairplay , comradeship ...... tha´s marathon more than running  42,195 k


mireu la foto presa el passat diumenga just a la linea d´arribada de la Zurich Marató de Barcelona , dos hommes ajudan un tercer a creuar la linea d´arribada , aquesta es la esencia de la marató , l´esperit d´aquest sport , joc net , camaraderia , amistat , aixó es el marató , mes que corre  42,195 k .

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