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Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
live is a long road to be traveled and running seems a good choice .

lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

Winter illness ruined my yesterday big challenge

Everything was ready for covering those 30 km with backpack , it was saturday night when after very healthy dinner with my family I moved to the  bed,  rest as better as possible and be ready to get up early in the morning was my aim ,   but suddently I started to feel unconfortable feeling that something was wrong in my stomach and , here it  was .... I had  to getting  up several times during the night  , fortunately mid morning I begin to feel better  it looks like to stomach inflamation, I am not doctor but my stepson  had the same symptoms two days before and doctor said it an prescribed , diet , rest and  that´s it .  Well the endurance training must wait for next week , no problem , backpack is there waiting for being loaded  . today here I am at home trying to get recover and anxious to start again with my daily things . Well , tomorrow back to normal life , job , family , blog, friends  and daily trainings  .


Tot estava llest per fer l´entrenament  de resistencia 30 km  moxila a la esquena ,  era dissabte al vespre després de sopar de forma molt saludable vaig anar al llit per poder descansar el millor possible i estar fort i en forma el diumenge quan em vaig començar a sentir malament del estomac , em vaig haver de llevar varias vegades durant la nit , afortunadament a mig mati del dia seguent ja em trobava millor , sembla una inflamació de estomach , no soc metge per fa un parell de dias el fill de la meva dona ho va tenir i el metge ho va diagnosticar i va prescriure , dieta descans i això es tot. Bé l´entrenament de resistencia haura de esperar al proper cap de setmana , allà està la moxila esperan .  Avui aqui estic a casa recuperan-me  i em ganes de tornar a la normalitat, feina , familia , blog, amics i els entrenaments diaris , ja se sap els imprevistos sorten quan menys t´ho esperas i poder engegar a rodar els plans .

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