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Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
live is a long road to be traveled and running seems a good choice .

miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013

Cursa dels Nassos 2012, brief summary of the race


The race was extremely positive, I met my  friend Salvador on the subway station  16:15 pm, enough time to reach the place and   warm up a little before the race . The race started as  always punctual with  two waves of runners  so as not many people out, the truth is that I was credited back to yellow but I opt out from the blue box, a little more behind, First to go along with my friend and secondly to have a free hand to make the early miles at my own pace without having to be constantly dodge  people, the truth is that It worked and I was able to cross the first km´s  almost no people in front.

The temperature was perfect for running, neither cold nor heat a little wind but no problem, this race runs almost all the time between buildings to stop the wind from the sea and / or mountains. I left towards to hit my former better time on that race two years ago that I did it in  45:14 , It was good start and not having too many people around and in front, that´s  allowed me to go at my own pace and without too abrupt changes, I took as reference the Hare 45' I followed up from 3 km and then cause I felt pretty good I squeeze to see if I could get my aim down from 45:14 in 2010,  I crossed the 5 km 22:13 So if I was able to hold the pace could achieve the goal, as long as they did not see my friend Salvador, he came out strong and I lost since the off-k, from 7 k  pace declined a bit but I wanted to get little under 45 'and I stand and I even enjoyed people both side of the main streets , very exiting reaching the  curve of the tower Agbar where  begins 3 km stretch that takes you to finish in the 9 km mark I saw that I could even increase the pace, no signs of the hare 45' that´s mean I am below the target  and just turn the curve in the junction of Diagonal with Selva de Mar where only  300 meters straight on separate you from finish line I broke the tape wore the bib hanging from Intermon Oxfam "My goal is to end hunger in the world "and I lost a few seconds while I tied back to the waist bibs, wanted to get a goal, as I said in my bib sol.lidari and crossed the finish line I do know that my small contribution I am also to eradicate hunger in the world, I finally crossed the finish line 44:49 I had reached my goal and I felt satisfied, I went straight to the place where my friend and I agree to met and there he was, very happy, had 41:19 and that was an incredible brand for people like us who are over  fifty years, we´ve achieved targets and  we were happy , until next year.


La cursa ha esta d´allò mes positiva , vaig quedar em el meu company i amic Salvador i verem sortir de Badalona en metro a les 16:15 pm , el temps suficient per arribar cambiar-se i poder escalfar una mica abans de la cursa . La cursa va començar com sempre puntual i em dues onades de corredors per tal de no aglutinar molta gent a la sortida , la veritat es que jo tenia dorsal acreditat de color groc però vaig optar per sortir desde el calaix blau , una mica mes enderrera , en primer lloc per sortir junt amb el meu amic i per altra banda per tenir la via lliure per poder fer els primers km al meu ritme sense haver de estar constantment esquivan gent , la veritat es que em va funcionar i vaig poder recorre els primers km sense quasi bé gent al davant . 

La temperatura era ideal per corre , ni fred ni calor una mica de vent però cap problema , aquesta cursa transcorre gaire bé tota l´estona entre edificis que paren el vent de mar i/o muntanya . Vaig sortir em              l´objectiu de fer un temps millor al del any passat i a poder ser que el anterior que vaig fer-ho em 45:14 el ritma va ser bo de sortida i el fet de no tenir massa gent al voltant i al devant va permetrem poder anar al meu ritme i sense canvis massa sobtats , vaig agafar com referencia la llebre de 45´i la vaig seguir fins el km 3 a partir de llavors i sentin-me bastant bé vaig apretar per tal de veure si podia asolir el meu objectiu de baixar dels 45:14 del 2010, vaig creuar el km 5 em 22:13 per tant  si era capaç de aguantar el ritme podia assolir el objectiu , feia estona que ja no veia el meu amic Salvador , ell va sortir molt fort i el vaig perdre des-de el primer k , a partir del 7 vaig decaure una mica però poca cosa volia arribar per sota de 45 ´i vaig aguantar i fins i tot em vaig permetrem gaudir mentre corria de la gent que hi havia a llocs tan emblemàtics com la curva de la torre aAgbar on comença la recta de 3 km que et porta a meta , en la marca de 9 km vaig veure que podia fins i tot augmentar el ritme , no volia que la llebre dels 45´em pases i vaig accelerar de sobta i només gira la curva de Diagonal en Selva de mar on crec que queden tant sols un 300 metres se em va deslligar la cinta on portava penjat el pitrall de Intermon Oxfam " la meva meta es eradicar la fam en el mon" i vaig perdre uns segons mentre em lligava de nou a cintura el pitral , volia arribar a meta, tal i com vaig dir em el pitrall sol.lidari i creuar la meta   fem saber em la meva petita aportació que jo també estic per eradicar la fam en el mon , finalment vaig creuar la meta em 44:49 , havia assolit el meu objectiu i em sentia satisfet , vaig anar directament cap al lloc on havia quedat em trobar-me em el meu amic Salvador i en arribar ell ja era a lloc , estava content , molt content , havia fet 41:19 i aquella era una marca increible per a gent com nosaltres que ja passem de la cinquantena de anys , molt bé amic ho hem aconseguit , fins l´any proper .

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