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Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
live is a long road to be traveled and running seems a good choice .

sábado, 26 de enero de 2013

Good workout this morning .

this morning , after hard  indoor session yesterday and taking advantage exeptional sunny morning day I go out for a run with Víctor , good runner I met in the Gym , pace was good and we ran the 9 k below in 43´ ,  chatting about many things , good training today I am really happy about . good job !!. here you go the route we ran this morning very recommendable if you have 45 ´, flat , fast and with really nice views of Barcelona marina vilage . 


Aquest matí, després de la sessió duríssima  indoor d´ahir i aprofitant dia exeptional  matí assolellat surto a córrer amb el  Víctor, bon corredor que vaig conèixer al gimnàs, el ritme era bo i fem  els  k 9  en el 43 ', parlant de moltes coses , un bon entrenament avui , estic molt content. bona feina!. aquí un deixo el recorregut ,  molt recomanable si tens 45 ', pla, ràpid i amb unes vistes molt boniques de Barcelona.

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