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Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
live is a long road to be traveled and running seems a good choice .

martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

Playlist, an inseparable companion

There´s something about a great running song  that has the power to turn on a boring daily workout into glorious one . 

Playlist goes with me in each training , do I select the music in dependence of indoor or outdoor ? , yeah , normally when I run on the treadmill  like sometimes during  winter or because the weather doesn´t allow me run outside ,  I need music with tempo, fresh songs which provide apart of  rhythm , a  feeling of freedom a good atmophere inside the gym  , in that case :

1.- Michael Bublé "I haven´t met you yet"  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AJmKkU5POA

2.- the kooks " Junk of the heart (Happy)"  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pvHZ4ddR-4

3.- Jason Mraz , "Make it mine " live from NY" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6Mclgw89nk

4.- Carl Barat "Run with the boys"

5.- Ocean Colour Scene  "Up to the downside", 

6.-Rod Steward & Ronald Isley with  "this old heart of mine "

7.-David Bowie & Mick Jagger " Dancing in hte streets"

8.- James Morrison "the only night (live in the park)" 

9.- Bruce Springsteen "Born to run " (LIve version ).

10.-Lenny Kravitz  " California  "


Hi ha alguna cosa en una gran cançó per corre  que té el poder de convertir en un entrenament avorrit  en un de  glorios.

La meva playlist  m'acompanya en cada entrenament, puc seleccionar la música en dependència d'interior o a  l'aire lliure? , Sí, normalment quan corro a la cinta com de vegades durant l'hivern o perquè el temps no em permet córrer a l'aire lliure, necessito música amb tempo, cançons fresques que ofereixen a part del ritme, una sensació de llibertat que ajudin a crear una bona atmosfera a l'interior del gimnàs , en aquest cas:

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