Three months after the Zurich Marató de Barcelona 2012 and three months ahead Berlin Marathon and it is time to remember the race and learn about the experience lived . This was my fourth Barcelona marathon and will be my second Berlin marathon and to be honest both of them are amazing , Zurich Barcelona marató because I run my home town and always is a great experience because you can see and hear your people cheering along the whole marathon , weather late march in Barcelona is nice , good to race and this time more than 17.000 people worldwide took part in the marathon . I hope next year we are more and to get Zurich Barcelona marathon to become the largest in Europe.
Tres mesos han passat desde la marató de Barceloani tres mesos em mancan per la de Berlin i penso que comença a ser temps per recordar i apendre de la experiencia viscuda .aquesta ha estat la meva cuarta marató de Barna i serà la meva segona marató de Berlin i per ser sincer las dues son increibles, la primera perque corro a casa i puc veure i sentir durant tot el marató la meva gent animan i donan suport , el temps a finals de mars, es bo per corre aquest cop han estat mes de 17.000 persones viongudes d´arreu del mon i espero quie en la propera edició siguem mes per tal de fer de la marató de Barcelona una de las grands de Europa .
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