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Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
live is a long road to be traveled and running seems a good choice .

sábado, 30 de junio de 2012

On the road to Berlin Marathon 2012

this very day , three month ahead of Berlin marathon 2012 I´m starting the countdown , getting fit  become  pleasure more than hard job, this morning 12 k along the shore sea starting in Badalona (Barcelona ) to Masnou  (Barcelona) roundtrip is my target .

Temperature right here this morning is around 77º , partly cloudy , humidity 64% and wind 11 mph, not ideal to run but I have not choice,  I will bring with me a bottle of  energy drink and water to  be all the time  well hydrated , very important, well here I go !!! 

Avui , quan faltan tant sols tres mesos per la Marató de Berlín 2012 començo el conte enrrera , posar-me en forma és un plaer  mes que una feina , aquest matí 12 k Badalona-Masnou anar i tornar es el meu objectiu.

La temperatura aquí no es ideal per corre 25ª, parcialment núvol, humitat del 64ª i vent moderat , haure de portar em mi una botella d´aigua i beguda energètica per estar molt ben hidratat tot el recorregut , molt important , bé allà vaig !!

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