Endimoniada 2012 , sortida des-de el monument de Roca i Pi a la emblemàtica Rambla de Badalona . Una cursa molt ven organitzada , s´ha de felicitar al Centre Excursionista de Badalona per l´organització , planificació i posada en marxa d´aquesta cursa , nocturna i de muntanya que va portar a mes de 400 corredors des-de la platja de la vila de Badalona fins el punt mes alt de la Serralada Marina i tornada .
No voldria oblidar-me mencionar a la gent "Voluntaris " que varen fer una tasca magnifica , eran per tot el recorregut donant suport , ajudan i fen que la cursa hagi estat un èxit també en aquest sentit .
Penso que aquesta es una molt bona iniciativa que de seguir així en breu es pot convertir en un clasic de les curses de muntanya , jo personalment l´estic recoman a tothom.
Endimoniada 2012, departing from the monument of Roca i Pi in the famous Ramblas of Badalona. Race very well organized, has congratulated the Centre Excursionista de Badalona organization, planning and implementation of this race, and mountain night that led to over 400 runners from the beach-town of Badalona to the highest point of the Mountains Marina and back.
I would not forget to mention those good people "Volunteers" that they did a magnificent job, they were for the whole tour supportting , helping and making race has been a success in this regard.
Endimoniada 2012, departing from the monument of Roca i Pi in the famous Ramblas of Badalona. Race very well organized, has congratulated the Centre Excursionista de Badalona organization, planning and implementation of this race, and mountain night that led to over 400 runners from the beach-town of Badalona to the highest point of the Mountains Marina and back.
I would not forget to mention those good people "Volunteers" that they did a magnificent job, they were for the whole tour supportting , helping and making race has been a success in this regard.
I think this is a very good initiative to keep this soon may become a classic of the mountain races, I am personally recommend to everyone.
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