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Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
live is a long road to be traveled and running seems a good choice .

miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

Barcelona seafront nice run

Here you go a good choice if you are thinking to visit my home town , this is flat , fast and really nice track  , good for  streching your  legs after a busy business day . Most of the the route runs close to sea and you will enjoy both jog and enjoy  wonderful seafront of " La Barceloneta" , next time you come to Barcelona bring  your running shoes and enjoy. 

Aqui tens una bona opció si estàs pensan em visitar Barcelona , es un recorregut , pla, rapit i molt bonic , bo per estirar les cames despres de un dia de feina . La major part del recorregut es vora el mar i podràs gaudir de corre i del maravellos passeig maritim de "La Barceloneta", la propera vegada que visitis Barcelona porta les sabates de running i disfruta .

If you want detailed information about the route , feel free contact me.

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