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Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
live is a long road to be traveled and running seems a good choice .

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Climbing to Montjuïc Castle with a bunch of great friends .

yesterday afternoon after leaving  the office I went out to run with a bunch of great and fun people , all of them are incredible runners . Thanks guys for this amazing race. We went up till  Montjuïc castle and returned  to Holmes Place Urquinaona  ( HEALTH CLUB ) where all of us are menbers.

From left to the right :  Josepe, myself , Urku , Ari, Liisa,Filip ,Xavi and Juan , Uri was behing the camera .


Ahir per la tarda en sortir de la feina vaig sortir a corre amb un grup increible i molt divertit grup de gent , tots ells corredors increibles . Gràcies noisper una tarde de running molt divertida i profitossa . Varem pujar fins el castell de MontjuÏc i varem tornar al Holmes Place de Urquinaona  de on som tots socis .

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