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Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
live is a long road to be traveled and running seems a good choice .

lunes, 5 de agosto de 2013

Amsterdam Marathon , 76 days away

I have  started my summer  holidays just today and what a better way to initiate this lovely period than  running , that´s what I did this morning , I filled my  bagpack with little  belongings and  I have  ran the distance from my home to the healthy club that´s  roughly speaking 19 km all of its following the coast , sea side the whole track long , it was great but the weather , quite common in summer , quite hot but no issues , some water  in my bagpack , good skin protection , arms , face and legs and my running hat .

I did not  good time but this was not the basic intention of today morning run, I just wanted to see how I felt after a couple of weeks of rest and to be honest I felt very good ready for the long seasons this summer to get fit for the Amsterdam Marathon .


Acabo de començar les meves vacacnces d´estiu i quina millopr manera de fer-ho que corren . això es el que he fet , he preparat una motxilla amb una mica de roba i he fet la distancia que separa casa meva del gimnàs on vaig habitualment , son aproximadament uns 19 km , toots ells seguint la costa al costat del mar , ha estat molt be , molta calo però es normal en aquest epoca de l´any , cap problema !!! aigua a la motxilla  , m´he proteguit la cara els braços les cames i m´he posat la gorra de corre i endevant .

No he fet un bon temps però aquest no era el objectiu de la sortida tant sols volia veure com em trobo després de dues setmanes de descans i la veritat es que bé , preparat per començar el dur entrenament de cara a la Marató de Amsterdam .

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