As a frecuent runner I try to keep my diet well balanced even in summer when high temperatures drive to drink more than eat , get well hydrated is key but we must not forget it but also we have to eat properly maintaining good balance of what we intake .
here I leave a easy suggestion of how I used start my summer lunchs.
"Marquitus salad", that´s the name of this salad in the honor of the person who some times help to me in the kitchen , my youngest son Marc.
For one person .
Ingredients :
1 not so big tomato (75 gr)
Pealed sunflower seeds (15 gr)
Catalan , olive oil
Vinegar of medena
Cut the tomatoes into small dice and place it into a little soup bowl then add the pealed sunflowers seeds, dress the tomatoes and sunflowers seeds once together into the soup bowl with oilve oils first then vinegar , do not change the order and finally add the salt . If you want also you can add dice toasted bread but if do it never before dress always after on the contrary bread get melt it .
Com a corredor habitual intento mantenir la dieta el mes equilibrada posible inclós a l´estiu que em les altes temperatures se acostuma a tenr mes set que gana de menjar , mantenirse ben hidratat es clau però no podem oblidar mantenir el bon equilibri a a la hora de menjar .
Aqui deixo una suggerencia de em que acostumo a començar els meus apats d´estiu .
"Marquitus salad" aquest es el nom que li he possat en honor de la persona que mes m´ajuda a la cuina , el meu fill petit Marc.
Per una sola persona
Ingredients :
- Un tomaquet per amenir ( 75 gr) si pot ser de Montserrat millor.
- Pipes peladas
- Oli d´aliva de la terra
- Vinagre de Modena
- Sal , si ot ser petals de sal fosil
Tallo els tomaquet a petits daus el poso en un vol no massa gran , afegeixi les pipes pelades amaneixo el tomaquet i les pipes amb oli de olive verge de Borges , poso el vinagre de Modena i finalment la sal , no camviar l´ordre es important , Oli , vinagre i sal . Si ho prefereixes es poden afeguir petits trocets de pa torrat això si si es posa ha de ser al final sino queda desfet .