Triathlon is great and doing it with team is double fun.
Me, at half race , just few meters after crossing the "Arc Del Triomf" after that point still remain 6 km to reach the finish line , I was good enough , I felt good following another runner with great pace .
Jordi , our cyclist given all to cut time , he did great and reduce his own record on that race .
Francesc , our swimmer after get out of sea , that´s the called transition where the swimmer must run some meters to reach the Cyclist area, He also did very goos breaking tha last year ouwn time , great Francesc !!!!
Benvolguts , en primer lloc desitjar-vos un bon Nadal i unes molt bones vacances !!!!! Aqui estic de nou , estirat al llit descansan i esperan per sortir demà a estirar les cames i fer un entrenament de Nadal . Miran fotos de sobte he trobat aquestes fantàsticas fotos presses l´octobre passat en el transcurs de la Garmin Barcelona Triathlo 2013, encantat de veure-les de nou i compartir-les amb tots vosaltres , va ser un gran dia i com a equip varem millorar el temps de l´any anterior
El Triathló es fantàstic i fer-ho en equip es doblement divertit.
Me , at the finish line , so exciting moment , is an ayou to cross the finish line together and hear people both size of the corridor specially adapted with a blue carpet , incredible .
Here we are all three together at the blue board with gained the medals .