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Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
live is a long road to be traveled and running seems a good choice .

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2012

Happy Christmas and happy new year full of races !!!

Here is a Christmas card design made by my youngest son Marc years ago when he was only 8 years old.

By Marc Barroso ( my youngest son )

Merry Christmas and Happy new year to your all !!!!!! I wish for the  2013  all the best , health , peace, love and races !!!! .


Aqui tenim un diseny de postal de Nadal fet pel meu fill petit Marc anys enrrera quan tenia 8 anys .

Bon Nadal i feliç any nou  a tots!!!!Us desitjo el millor , salut , pau, amor i moltes curses!!!!!

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