Long has passed since the last BDN Running 10 k urban race and I was wondering whether the second edition is ready , It was good run at home surrounded by fellow runners which can help boost your motivation . Badalona is well known by basketball team Juventut de Badalona (La penya ) among others and recently also by great swimmers Mireia Belmonte , two silver medals in London 2012 Olimpic Games to mention some of the most renamed ,but as a runner I miss a big race , recently the team of "BDN Running" is quite lively and seems to be that they are trying to cheer up the community with this race and training days , great !!! as well as the "Centre Excursionista de Badalona" which organized the fantastic nigh trail race called "Endimoniada " , great for both of them , good initiatives !!! but we would like to know with some time in advance when both races will take place again to be able get ready and tick in my 2013 season calendar those important races.
Race is nice because offer you a long flat path with good sea views big part of the route , city center where you will meet many people cheering you up and good weather to run, I would like to run again the BDN Running which apart of that it was in memeory of a good fellow runner .
Badalona is just 8 k north from Barcelona and really easy to arrive with train or tub , there are several way to reach it but the most confortable and fast would be the train (Rodalies towards to Mataro , Blanes ) or underground L2 (Pep Ventura or Pompeu Fabra ) last one is the end line no doubts .
Well now just waiting for the organisation decision , I will encourage them to organize again , release the date if finally they decided to organize . It would be great !! Let´s go guys there are so many people excited to race it .
Badalona is just 8 k north from Barcelona and really easy to arrive with train or tub , there are several way to reach it but the most confortable and fast would be the train (Rodalies towards to Mataro , Blanes ) or underground L2 (Pep Ventura or Pompeu Fabra ) last one is the end line no doubts .
Well now just waiting for the organisation decision , I will encourage them to organize again , release the date if finally they decided to organize . It would be great !! Let´s go guys there are so many people excited to race it .
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Me at finish line after 44´ run |
Ja ha passat molt temps desde que es va organitzar la primera cursa de 10 k BDN Running , carrera urbana i molt ràpida i em preguntava si la segona edició està ja llesta, va estar molt bé corre a casa envoltat de companys i corredors que t´ajudan i et motivan . Badalona és ben conegut per l´equip de bàsquet del Joventut de Badalona (La penya), entre d'altres, i recentment també per grans nedadors com la Mireia Belmonte, dues medalles de plata en els Jocs Olímpics de Londres 2012 per esmentar alguns dels més anomenats , però com corredor trobo a falta una gran cursa a la ciutat , recentment l'equip de "BDN Running" és bastant pro- actiu i sembla que estan tractant d'animar a la comunitat de corredors amb aquesta carrera i dies d'entrenament, genial! També el "Centre Excursionista de Badalona", que va organitzar la cursa fantàstica de montanys i de nit anomenada "Endimoniada", molt bé per amdues entitats , bones iniciatives! però ens agradaria saber amb certa anticipació quan ambdues carreres es duràn a terme de nou per poder-nos preparar i marcar en el calendari de la temporada 2013 aquestes carreres importants i a casa .
La cursa és molt agradable te un recorregut , pla i rapit amb bones vistes al mar gran part de la ruta, unaltra bona part pel centre de la ciutat on pots es trobar molta gent que animan i sobretot el bon temps per córrer. M'agradaria tornar a córrer la cursa BDN Running que a més es va fer en memoria d'un corredorde Badalona i molt bona persona.
Badalona està a 8 k al nord de Barcelona i és molt fàcil d'arribar amb el tren o el metro , hi ha diverses manera d'arribar-hi, però el més còmode i ràpid seria el tren (Rodalies cap a Mataró i/o Blanes) o el metro L2 (Pep Ventura o Pompeu Fabra) l´última és final de línia no hi ha perdua.
Bé, ara a l'espera de la decisió de l'organització, a qui desde aqui animo a organitzar-la de nou , seria genial !!
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