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Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
live is a long road to be traveled and running seems a good choice .

viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

Night of concert of my running mate Lluis Platero

Yesterday night we were delighted with the good songs of my running mate Lluis Platero , good singer and great songwriter . The concert which was held in " La Rambla " of Badalona ,  in front of the sea school was amazing ,  he and his  band  together with a group of beautiful dancers were able to  created an amazing atmosphere .

Ahir a la nit ens vam quedar encantats amb les bones cançons del meu company de entrenos i curses Lluís Platero, molt  bon cantant  i gran compositor. El concert que es va celebrar a "La Rambla" de Badalona, davant de l'escola del mar va ser  increïble, ell i la seva banda juntament amb un grup de ballarines  van ser capaços de crear un ambient increïble.

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